Wednesday, January 1, 2014

How to Avoid Three Common Financial Mistakes Using Cloud-Hosted Software

As a facility manager it's your responsibility to ensure that your organization's assets are properly maintained and that you stay within your budget. However, it isn't always an easy task to accomplish and you probably find yourself juggling numerous tasks each day. By using cloud-hosted software, like BMSI's webDPW software, you can streamline your organization's entire day-to-day operations and avoid some of the biggest financial mistakes that facility managers make.

Wasting Money on Bad Equipment

According to an article on, sixty-three percent of the problems that technicians address are problems that were self-induced. As a facility manager, it is part of your job to make sure that your maintenance team has the tools and information needed to properly repair broken equipment and that your organization's equipment receives regular maintenance. Fortunately, cloud-hosted facility management software makes this easy for you. With the proper software you can schedule routine maintenance and inspections on your organization's assets, keep accurate records of your inventory—including tools and safety equipment—and store online versions of your equipment manuals so that your technicians can access the information they need in the field.

Keeping Equipment That Needs Replaced

Most organizations hold onto equipment too long—mostly because new equipment is not in the budget. However, if your organization is hanging onto equipment that is constantly breaking it may be costing more to repair than it would to replace. By using cloud-hosted facility management software, you can track maintenance for every piece of equipment, as well as evaluate your equipment costs and total costs of ownership. This makes it easy to determine whether an asset should be repaired or replaced—and in the long run saves you money.

Paying Employees with Poor Performance

One major part of your job includes overseeing employee performance. At times, your managerial duties probably seem easy compared to the rest of your to-do list, but do you really know how much time you're spending making sure other people do their jobs? Recent studies indicate that managers spend ninety percent of their direct supervision time with problem employees. Not only do you need to ensure that problem employees get the job done correctly, you need to make sure it's completed in a timely manner and that they stay focused and motivated throughout the day. Chances are, you're spending way too much time babysitting employees who are underperforming and employees with poor performance tend to bring down the morale of the team. When you use cloud-hosted facility management software, you can track the hours each employee works, as well as how many work orders they've completed. This gives you a good idea of who uses their time wisely so that you can see which employees need improvement and which ones you can let go.

The fact is, facility managers have a lot of responsibility. You have a lot of things that you need to track and numerous tasks that you need to complete each day. By using cloud-hosted facility management software, you have everything you need stored in the same place which makes your job a lot easier.

1 comment:

  1. Issues relating to the financial sector are very difficult, especially in large companies. There are many factors that determine it. Software used must been designed specifically to understand the true flow of financial sector cycle. It is a very sensitive sector.
    Harry -
